State of the art of hypothetical protein prediction in prokaryotes
Original Paper:
Tackling Hypotheticals in Helminth Genomes.
- Type: review article
- Organism: helmith
This article is about helmith. But what I care are prokaryotes. So I decide to make a note to record all aspects mentioned in this paper, but targeting prokaryotes.
An silico approach based on gene expression data and GO term: gamma-AM
- Example: There are two sets of genes. Gene set A has both expression data and GO term. Set B has only expression data.
- Step 1: calculate the similarity between all genes within gene set A. The similarity is defined as “gamma distance”.
- gamma distance = (gamma)(distance between go terms) + (1-gamma)(distance between expression)
- the gamma value decides the weighting (importance) of GO term.
- Step 2: cluster gene set A based on gamma distance
- Step 3: assign genes in set B into clusters that are formed by set A genes.
- set B genes are assigned to the cluster if the centroid (with only expression data) is the closest.
- Step 4: infer GO term of the set B genes by referring to other set A members in the same cluster (cluster enrichment analysis)
- Note: this algorithm is not dedicated to helmith only. Applicable to bacteria.
Methods Based On Domain, or the sequence homology
- homology: KEGG, Uniprot, BRENDA
- based on domain and sites: InterProScan
- The above ones have higher false negative due to poor convergence of sequence outside of the active site.
Methods to improve false negative of homology models
- target: ** enzymes**
- method:
- group all available enzymes according to their EC number. (An EC number corresponds to one kind of activity. For example: alcohol dehydrogenase)
- find the longest common sequence within a single EC group. This is called a module.
- EFICAZ and DETECT are also for enzymes only
Method based on phylogenomics
- 3D homology
Methods only suitable for core genes (conserved hypothetical proteins)
- Pathway reconstruction and pathway inference
- input: genome
- output: pathways and genes involved
- missed genes in the pathway can be the possible role of the hypothetical protein
- orthology based inference
Validation of inference
- cDNA search in database
- RNA-Seq
- Improved technology allow us to see the 5’ end of RNA, enabling us to find the promoter and possibly find the whole operon
- Proteomics: LC MS/MS
- Functional genomics tools:
- RNAi
Hypothetical genes can be RNA?
- Do prokaryotes have ncRNA? YES
- What do they do? complement to mRNA and kill them. Associated with virulence, quorum sensing
- Tools to predict small RNA in prokaryotes? Here