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MATH21: Loop Invariant: Sorting/Searching Algorithm

August 29, 2019 | 4 Minute Read

Specification of problem:

  • Input: Given a list of a,b,c,d,e..

  • Output: rearrange to become a<b<c<d<e…

Selection sort (Rosen 203, exercise 41-42)

To put the smallest to the front

Bubble sort

Insertion sort

Bucket sort

Merge sort

Bogo sort: Monkey sort $O(n!)$

Quick sort

Binary search tree traversal

Proving them: from HOW to WHY: Loop Invariant (Lec 07)[https://podcast.ucsd.edu/watch/wi19/cse21_b00/7/screen]

  • loop not change: what does not change
  1. Look for a loop invariant, state the proerty precisely: subproblem of a smaller input
  2. Prove that it is invariant over any number of iteration by induction
  3. Use the invariant to prove correctness. Show that when a loop is finished, the invariant will leads us to the solution.

Proving Selection Sort

  1. What are the 2 loop invariants for selection sort?
    • after t iterations, the first $t$ elements will be in order.
    • after t iterations, the first $t$ elements are the smallest.
  2. prove the loop invariant true
    • what is the induction variable? what we want is when $t$ is true, $t+1$ is also true. (iterative algorithm)
    • if this is a recursive algorithm, $n$ might be the one to plug in. (cause we are pluggin the whole thing into itself) - what is the base case? $t=0$ when the loop hasn’t started yet, first 0 elements are sorted. (A set of nothing is trivially sorted).And they are smallest. - during it $t+1$ iteration, we find the smallest among $t+1$ to $n$ and swap it with $t+1$. Thus we now have the first $t+1$ are the smallest.
    • say when $1$ to $t$ is smaller than all of $t+1$ to the end.
    • Therefore before $t+1$ are all smallest than the rest.
    • $1$ to $t$ are sorted. $1$ to $t$ are smaller than $t+1$, therefore $1$ to $t+1$ are sorted.
  3. prove the algorithm is correct?
    • the list are of length $n$
    • What implies correct: first $n$ elements in order.
    • we execute n (when $t = n$)times, so the first $n$ elements are in order.

Searching algorithm

find the index in the list of length $n$ for the value $x$ your are searching for. return the index $i$ or return $0$ if it does not exist in the list.

  • if the list is not sorted, you need to go through the whole list in the worst case.
  1. Prove by loop invariant?
    • after the first $t$ interation, we know the fist $t$ are NOT the item we are searching for. $ a_{1}$ to $a_{t} \neq x$
  • We have two outcomes to consider:
    • if $ i \neq 0$ then $x = a_{i}$
    • if $ i = 0$, we iterated $n$ loops: now we need loop invariant.
      • Base: $t=0$: $x \not\subset \emptyset$
      • Inductive hypothesis: assume $t$ is true,
      • Inductive step: when $t+1$, $a_{t+1} \neq x$ so we make sure first $t+1$ are still not what we are looking for $x$.
      • conclusion: all the way to $n$ we are sure $x$ is not there
  1. The complexity of algorithm.
    • the worst case we need to find all $n$ elements.
    • the best is we find at the first position.
    • average? $n/2$
  1. Prove the correctness of two things.
    • if return $p \neq 0$ then $a_{p} = x$
    • if return $p=0$ then there’s no $a_{p} = x$
  2. Prove the first case: we will find $i \leq p \leq j$
    • Base case: before the loop, $i = 1$, $j = n$ anything must be between them.
    • Indutive hypothesis: Assume after $t$ iterations, $i \leq p \leq j$
    • when $t+1$:
      • if $ x = a_{m}$ where $m = (i+j)/2$, then we return $m$: $m$ is between $i$ and $j$.
      • if $ x > a_{m}$ then $i = m+1$, $a_{i} \leq x \leq a_{j}$ that makes $i \leq p \leq j$
    • prove invariant: the loop stops when $i=j$ and as $i \leq p \leq j$ is only case is $i = p = j$
  3. How many run time?
    • worst case $log(n) + 1 $
    • But we use sorted array: and this costs more.
    • if you need to search for more than 1 time.

General questsion to ask about algorithm

  • Specification: what problem
  • algorithm description: how to solve
  • correctness: why does this solve
  • run time analysis: when do we get the answer.